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00002 // Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
00003 // Used by netfone.rc
00004 //
00005 #define IDC_NEW_KEY                     3
00006 #define IDC_LWLA_CONNECT                3
00007 #define IDC_ABOUT_VERSION               3
00008 #define IDC_LWLA_SEARCH                 4
00009 #define IDD_MODEM_SETTINGS              101
00010 #define IDC_CURSOR_PHONE                102
00011 #define IDC_CURSOR_EAR                  103
00012 #define IDD_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES       103
00013 #define IDM_CONNECTION_NEW              105
00014 #define IDD_MODEM_RANT                  105
00015 #define IDM_DISCONNECT                  106
00016 #define IDM_CONN_PROPERTIES             107
00017 #define IDD_PROPELLER_HEAD              107
00018 #define IDM_CRYPTO_GENKEY               108
00019 #define IDD_MULTICAST                   108
00020 #define IDM_SEND_SOUND_FILE             109
00021 #define IDM_CONN_RING                   110
00022 #define IDD_REPONDEUR                   110
00023 #define IDM_CONN_OPEN                   111
00024 #define IDD_LWL_TELL                    111
00025 #define IDM_CONN_SAVE                   112
00026 #define IDD_LWL_ASK                     112
00027 #define IDM_CONN_SAVE_AS                113
00028 #define IDM_HELP_CONT                   114
00029 #define IDD_VOX                         114
00030 #define IDM_HELP_SEARCH                 115
00031 #define IDC_CURSOR_BOLT                 115
00032 #define IDD_BENCH                       116
00033 #define IDM_OPT_8BIT                    117
00034 #define IDD_CHAT                        117
00035 #define IDM_OPT_MODEM                   118
00036 #define IDD_SPECTRUM                    118
00037 #define IDM_MODEM_RANT                  119
00038 #define IDM_COMP_2X                     120
00039 #define IDM_COMP_GSM                    121
00040 #define IDM_PROPELLER_HEAD              122
00041 #define IDM_COMP_ADPCM                  123
00042 #define IDM_RING_FILE_NAME              124
00043 #define IDD_CONSOLE                     124
00044 #define IDM_WORKA_BIND                  125
00045 #define IDM_WORKA_NOCONNECT             126
00046 #define IDM_WORKA_USE_SEND              127
00047 #define IDM_WORKA_HALF_DUPLEX           128
00048 #define IDM_WORKA_SAMPLE_11025          129
00049 #define IDM_OPT_LOOK_WHO                130
00050 #define IDM_CONN_MULTICAST              131
00051 #define IDM_WORKA_TTLCHAR               132
00052 #define IDM_CO_REPONDEUR                133
00053 #define IDM_CO_RECORD                   134
00054 #define IDM_DIR_SEARCH                  135
00055 #define IDM_DIR_LISTING                 136
00056 #define IDM_COMP_LPC                    137
00057 #define IDM_CONN_BROADCAST              138
00058 #define IDM_OPT_FACE                    139
00059 #define IDM_CONN_CONFERENCE             140
00060 #define IDM_CONN_ECHO                   141
00061 #define IDM_VOX_FAST                    142
00062 #define IDM_VOX_MEDIUM                  143
00063 #define IDM_VOX_SLOW                    144
00064 #define IDM_VOX_NONE                    145
00065 #define IDM_OPT_BREAK                   146
00066 #define IDM_VOX_MONITOR                 147
00067 #define IDM_WORKA_OUT_OVERFLOW          148
00068 #define IDM_WORKA_MSG_LOOP              150
00069 #define IDM_WORKA_RING_VOLUME           151
00070 #define IDM_PROT_SPEAKFREE              153
00071 #define IDM_PROT_RTP                    154
00072 #define IDM_PROT_VAT                    155
00073 #define IDM_WORKA_SYNC_HOSTNAME         156
00074 #define IDM_HELP_QUICKSTART             157
00075 #define IDM_WORKA_NOHB                  158
00076 #define IDM_WORKA_BIGRTP                159
00077 #define IDM_WORKA_NOVAT                 160
00078 #define IDM_WORKA_NORTP                 161
00079 #define IDM_HELP_FAQ                    163
00080 #define IDM_HELP_LOOPBACK               164
00081 #define IDM_HELP_MAILLIST               165
00082 #define IDM_HELP_ECHO                   166
00083 #define IDM_OPT_JITTER_0                167
00084 #define IDM_OPT_JITTER_100              168
00085 #define IDM_OPT_JITTER_250              169
00086 #define IDM_OPT_JITTER_500              170
00087 #define IDM_OPT_JITTER_750              171
00088 #define IDM_OPT_JITTER_1000             172
00089 #define IDM_OPT_JITTER_2000             173
00090 #define IDM_OPT_JITTER_3000             174
00091 #define IDM_HELP_BENCHMARK              175
00092 #define IDM_COMP_LPC10                  176
00093 #define IDM_PUBLICKEYPACKAGE_PGP        177
00094 #define IDM_PUBLICKEYPACKAGE_GPG        178
00095 #define IDM_TRAY_POPUP                  179
00096 #define ID_TRAY_OPEN                    180
00097 #define ID_TRAY_ANSWER                  181
00098 #define ID_TRAY_EXIT                    182
00101 #define IDM_OPT_HIDE_WHEN_MINIMISED     185
00102 #define IDM_OPT_START_MINIMISED         186
00103 #define IDM_WORKA_NORTCP_CRYPT          187
00104 #define IDM_WORKA_BEEP_ON_TRANSMIT      188
00105 #define IDM_TEXT_CHAT                   189
00106 #define IDM_SPECTRUM                    190
00107 #define IDM_WORKA_DISABLE_AORA          195
00108 #define IDM_COMP_CELP                   199
00109 #define IDM_HELP_CONSOLE                200
00110 #define IDM_OPT_USE_TRAY_ICON           201
00111 #define IDM_PROT_ROBUST1                501
00112 #define IDM_PROT_ROBUST2                502
00113 #define IDM_PROT_ROBUST3                503
00114 #define IDM_PROT_ROBUST4                504
00115 #define IDM_PROT_ROBUST5                505
00116 #define IDM_PROT_ROBUST6                506
00117 #define IDM_PROT_ROBUST7                507
00118 #define IDM_PROT_ROBUST8                508
00119 #define IDD_MODEM_PORT                  0x220
00120 #define IDD_MODEM_BAUD_RATE             0x221
00121 #define IDE_KEY                         1000
00122 #define IDS_FORMATS                     1000
00123 #define IDC_CP_DESKEY                   1001
00124 #define IDC_CP_IDEAKEY                  1002
00125 #define IDI_PHONE_BLINK                 1002
00126 #define IDC_OTP_BROWSE                  1003
00127 #define IDC_CP_OTPFILE                  1004
00128 #define IDC_CP_PGPUSERS                 1005
00129 #define IDC_CP_BLOWFISHKEY              1006
00130 #define IDC_DEBUG                       1007
00131 #define IDC_LOOPBACK                    1008
00132 #define IDC_SAVE_KEYS                   1009
00133 #define IDC_MODEM_INIT_STRING           1010
00134 #define IDC_CP_AESKEY                   1010
00135 #define IDC_MODEM_ENABLE                1011
00136 #define IDC_NEW_MODEM                   1012
00137 #define IDC_RANT                        1013
00138 #define IDD_NEW_HOST_DIAL_STRING        1014
00139 #define IDD_NEW_HOST_NAME               1015
00140 #define IDC_ABOUT_OUTPUT                1015
00141 #define IDC_ABOUT_INPUT                 1016
00142 #define IDC_ABOUT_DUPLEX                1017
00143 #define IDC_MC_GROUPS                   1018
00144 #define IDC_ABOUT_IP_ADDRESS            1018
00145 #define IDC_PH_PACKET_SIZE              1019
00146 #define IDC_PH_AUDIO_DUPLEX             1020
00147 #define IDC_MC_JOIN                     1020
00148 #define IDC_PH_PACKETS_RECEIVED         1021
00149 #define IDC_MC_LEAVE                    1021
00150 #define IDC_CP_MULTI_SCOPE              1021
00151 #define IDC_PH_PACKETS_SENT             1022
00152 #define IDC_CP_MULTI_LABEL              1022
00153 #define IDC_PH_OUTPUT_LOST              1023
00154 #define IDC_MC_NEW_GROUP                1023
00155 #define IDC_PH_INPUT_LOST               1024
00156 #define IDC_MC_LOOP                     1024
00157 #define IDC_PH_AUDIO_OUT                1025
00158 #define IDC_PH_AUDIO_IN                 1026
00159 #define IDC_RP_ERASE                    1026
00160 #define IDC_PH_AUDIO_OUT_QUEUE          1027
00161 #define IDC_RP_REWIND                   1027
00162 #define IDC_PH_PACKET_SENDSIZE          1028
00163 #define IDC_RP_TIME                     1028
00164 #define IDC_PH_COMPRESSION              1029
00165 #define IDC_RP_SITE                     1029
00166 #define IDC_PH_CONNECTIONS              1030
00167 #define IDC_RP_BROWSE                   1030
00168 #define IDC_PH_MESSAGE_QUEUE            1031
00169 #define IDC_RP_MSGFILE                  1031
00170 #define IDC_PH_SENDTO                   1032
00171 #define IDC_RP_NEXT                     1032
00172 #define IDC_RP_PREV                     1033
00173 #define IDC_PH_MSGCHECK                 1033
00174 #define IDC_RP_RECORD                   1034
00175 #define IDC_RP_MSGBOX                   1035
00176 #define IDC_RP_OUTMSGFILE               1036
00177 #define IDC_LWLS_SERVER                 1037
00178 #define IDC_RP_CLEAR_INCOMING           1037
00179 #define IDC_RP_REPLAY                   1038
00180 #define IDC_LWLS_EMAIL                  1038
00181 #define IDC_LWLS_FULLNAME               1039
00182 #define IDC_RP_IP_ADDRESS               1039
00183 #define IDC_LWLS_PHONE                  1040
00184 #define IDC_RP_USER_NAME                1040
00185 #define IDC_LWLS_LOCATION               1041
00186 #define IDC_RP_EMAIL                    1041
00187 #define IDC_LWLS_UNLISTED               1042
00188 #define IDC_LWLA_SERVER                 1043
00189 #define IDC_LWLS_EXACT                  1043
00190 #define IDC_LWLA_QUERY                  1044
00191 #define IDC_LWLA_EXACT                  1045
00192 #define IDC_LWLA_RESULTS                1046
00193 #define IDC_LWLA_LINE1                  1047
00194 #define IDC_LWLA_LINE2                  1048
00195 #define IDC_FA_FILENAME                 1048
00196 #define IDC_LWLA_LINE3                  1049
00197 #define IDC_FA_BROWSE                   1049
00198 #define IDC_LWLA_LINE4                  1050
00199 #define IDC_FA_SHOW                     1050
00200 #define IDC_LWLA_LINE5                  1051
00201 #define IDC_FA_CLEAR                    1051
00202 #define IDC_VOX_LEVEL                   1051
00203 #define IDC_VOX_SENSITIVITY             1052
00204 #define IDC_VOX_SHOW                    1054
00205 #define IDC_ABOUT_CRYPTO_ON             1056
00206 #define IDC_ABOUT_CRYPTO_OFF            1057
00207 #define IDC_CP_DES                      1057
00208 #define IDC_CP_IDEA                     1058
00209 #define IDC_CP_PGP                      1059
00210 #define IDC_CP_PATENT                   1060
00211 #define IDC_CP_KEYFILE                  1061
00212 #define IDC_CP_NOCRYPTO1                1062
00213 #define IDC_CP_NOCRYPTO2                1063
00214 #define IDC_ABOUT_TITLE                 1063
00215 #define IDC_CP_NOCRYPTO3                1064
00216 #define IDC_BE_C_SIMPLE                 1064
00217 #define IDC_BE_D_SIMPLE                 1065
00218 #define IDC_CP_BLOWFISH                 1065
00219 #define IDC_BE_C_ADPCM                  1066
00220 #define IDC_CP_AES                      1066
00221 #define IDC_BE_D_ADPCM                  1067
00222 #define IDC_BE_C_GSM                    1068
00223 #define IDC_BE_D_GSM                    1069
00224 #define IDC_BE_C_LPC                    1070
00225 #define IDC_BE_D_LPC                    1071
00226 #define IDC_BE_RUN                      1072
00227 #define IDC_BE_C_CELP                   1073
00228 #define IDC_BE_D_CELP                   1074
00229 #define IDC_BE_C_LPC10                  1080
00230 #define IDC_RP_BROWSE_OUTGOING          1080
00231 #define IDC_BE_D_LPC10                  1081
00232 #define IDC_CHAT_TRANSCRIPT             1081
00233 #define IDC_RP_CLEAR_OUTGOING           1081
00234 #define IDC_CHAT_INPUT                  1082
00235 #define IDC_SPEC_CHART                  1084
00236 #define IDC_SPEC_SCALE                  1085
00237 #define IDC_SPEC_ENVELOPE               1086
00238 #define IDC_SPEC_REALTIME               1088
00239 #define IDC_SPEC_VOICEPRINT             1089
00240 #define IDC_SPEC_DISABLE                1090
00241 #define IDC_SPEC_TRANSMIT               1091
00242 #define IDC_SPEC_RECEIVE                1092
00243 #define IDC_SPEC_BOTH                   1093
00244 #define IDC_SPEC_ENV_RMS                1095
00245 #define IDC_SPEC_ENV_MAX                1096
00246 #define IDC_BE_E_DES                    1097
00247 #define IDC_BE_D_DES                    1098
00248 #define IDC_RP_SAVE                     1098
00249 #define IDC_BE_E_IDEA                   1099
00250 #define IDC_RP_SAVE_ALL                 1099
00251 #define IDC_BE_D_IDEA                   1100
00252 #define IDC_BE_E_KEYFILE                1101
00253 #define IDC_BE_D_KEYFILE                1102
00254 #define IDC_BE_E_BLOWFISH               1103
00255 #define IDC_BE_D_BLOWFISH               1104
00256 #define IDC_CONSOLE_OUTPUT              1104
00257 #define IDC_BE_E_DES_RTP                1105
00258 #define IDC_CONSOLE_INPUT               1105
00259 #define IDC_BE_D_DES_RTP                1106
00260 #define IDC_CONSOLE_CLEAR               1106
00261 #define IDC_BE_CANCEL                   1107
00262 #define IDC_CONSOLE_SUBMIT              1107
00263 #define IDC_BE_D_AES                    1108
00264 #define IDC_CP_AES_HEX                  1108
00265 #define IDC_BE_E_AES                    1109
00266 #define IDC_RP_CALL_IP                  1109
00267 #define IDC_RP_CALL_DOMAIN_NAME         1111
00268 #define IDC_RP_LOOK_UP_USER             1112
00269 #define IDC_BE_CR1                      1200
00270 #define IDC_BE_CR8                      1207
00271 #define IDS_WEEKDAYS                    1500
00272 #define IDS_PF_OUT_FILE_NAME            1507
00273 #define IDS_COMPRESSION_TYPES           1510
00274 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_TYPES              1550
00275 #define IDS_HELPFILE                    1600
00276 #define IDS_HELP_PROPELLER              1610
00277 #define IDS_HELP_MULTICAST              1611
00278 #define IDS_HELP_NEWCONN                1612
00279 #define IDS_HELP_CONNPROP               1613
00280 #define IDS_HELP_MODEM_CONFIG           1614
00281 #define IDS_HELP_ANSWER                 1615
00282 #define IDS_HELP_KEYGEN                 1616
00283 #define IDS_HELP_ABOUT                  1617
00284 #define IDS_HELP_OPEN_CONNECTION        1618
00285 #define IDS_HELP_SAVE_CONNECTION        1619
00286 #define IDS_HELP_SEND_SOUND_FILE        1620
00287 #define IDS_HELP_RING_FILE              1621
00288 #define IDS_HELP_KEY_FILE               1622
00289 #define IDS_HELP_LWL_TELL               1623
00290 #define IDS_HELP_LWL_ASK                1624
00291 #define IDS_HELP_FACE                   1625
00292 #define IDS_HELP_BENCH                  1626
00293 #define IDS_HELP_CHAT                   1627
00294 #define IDS_HELP_SPECTRUM               1628
00295 #define IDS_HELP_CONSOLE                1629
00296 #define IDS_HELP_CONTENTS               1630
00297 #define IDS_HELP_QUICKSTART             1631
00298 #define IDS_PF_HOST                     1700
00299 #define IDS_PF_HOST_NAME                1701
00300 #define IDS_PF_NETADDR                  1702
00301 #define IDS_PF_DEBUG                    1710
00302 #define IDS_PF_DEBUGGING                1711
00303 #define IDS_PF_LOOPBACK                 1712
00304 #define IDS_PF_MULTICAST                1720
00305 #define IDS_PF_SCOPE                    1721
00306 #define IDS_PF_ENCRYPTION               1730
00307 #define IDS_PF_SAVE_KEYS                1731
00308 #define IDS_PF_PGP_USER_NAMES           1732
00309 #define IDS_PF_DES_KEY                  1733
00310 #define IDS_PF_IDEA_KEY                 1734
00311 #define IDS_PF_KEY_FILE                 1735
00312 #define IDS_PF_BLOWFISH_KEY             1736
00313 #define IDS_PF_CONNECTIONS              1800
00314 #define IDS_PF_CONNCOUNT                1801
00315 #define IDS_PF_MULTIGROUPS              1810
00316 #define IDS_PF_COMPRESSION              1820
00317 #define IDS_PF_COMP_SIMPLE              1821
00318 #define IDS_PF_COMP_GSM                 1822
00319 #define IDS_PF_COMP_ADPCM               1823
00320 #define IDS_PF_COMP_LPC                 1824
00321 #define IDS_PF_COMP_CELP                1825
00322 #define IDS_PF_MODEM                    1830
00323 #define IDS_PF_ENABLE                   1831
00324 #define IDS_PF_PORT                     1832
00325 #define IDS_PF_BAUDRATE                 1833
00326 #define IDS_PF_MODEM_INIT_STRING        1834
00327 #define IDS_PF_SHOW_RANT                1835
00328 #define IDS_PF_ANSWER                   1840
00329 #define IDS_PF_FILE_NAME                1841
00330 #define IDS_PF_RECORD_MESSAGES          1842
00331 #define IDS_PF_RING                     1843
00332 #define IDS_PF_PREFERENCES              1850
00333 #define IDS_PF_LOOKWHO                  1851
00334 #define IDS_PF_OPT_LOOK_WHO             1851
00335 #define IDS_PF_WORKAROUNDS              1860
00336 #define IDS_PF_ALWAYS_BIND              1861
00337 #define IDS_PF_NET_NO_CONNECT           1862
00338 #define IDS_PF_NET_USE_SEND             1863
00339 #define IDS_PF_MULTICAST_CHAR_ARG       1864
00340 #define IDS_PF_AUDIO_HALF_DUPLEX        1865
00341 #define IDS_PF_AUDIO_SAMPLE_11025       1866
00342 #define IDS_PF_AUDIO_IN_DEVICE          1867
00343 #define IDS_PF_AUDIO_OUT_DEVICE         1868
00344 #define IDS_PF_RING_VOLUME              1869
00345 #define IDS_PF_PROFILE_FILE             1870
00347 #define IDS_PF_LWL_TELL                 1880
00348 #define IDS_PF_SERVER                   1881
00349 #define IDS_PF_EMAIL                    1882
00350 #define IDS_PF_FULLNAME                 1883
00351 #define IDS_PF_PHONE                    1884
00352 #define IDS_PF_LOCATION                 1885
00353 #define IDS_PF_PUBLISH                  1886
00354 #define IDS_PF_LWL_ASK                  1887
00355 #define IDS_PF_EXACT                    1891
00356 #define IDS_PF_FACE                     1892
00357 #define IDS_PF_SHOW_FACES               1893
00358 #define IDS_PF_NO_OUT_OVERFLOW          1894
00359 #define IDS_PF_NO_MSG_LOOP              1895
00360 #define IDS_PF_PROTOCOL                 1896
00361 #define IDS_PF_PROTOCOL_XMIT            1897
00362 #define IDS_PF_SYNC_HOSTNAME            1898
00363 #define IDS_PF_PORT_NUMBER              1899
00364 #define IDS_PF_WA_NO_HEARTBEAT          1900
00365 #define IDS_PF_WA_RTP_LARGER_PKTS       1901
00366 #define IDS_PF_WA_NO_VAT                1902
00367 #define IDS_PF_WA_NO_RTP                1903
00368 #define IDS_PF_WA_NO_RTCP_CRYPT         1904
00369 #define IDS_PF_PROTOCOL_SEND_RECEIVED   1905
00370 #define IDS_PF_JITTER                   1906
00371 #define IDS_PF_COMP_LPC10               1907
00372 #define IDS_PF_ROBUST                   1908
00373 #define IDS_PF_MONITOR                  1909
00374 #define IDS_PF_MON_BARGRAPH             1910
00375 #define IDS_PF_MON_VOICEPRINT           1911
00376 #define IDS_PF_MON_TRANSMIT             1912
00377 #define IDS_PF_MON_RECEIVE              1913
00378 #define IDS_PF_MON_ENV_MAX              1914
00379 #define IDS_PF_GEOMETRY                 1915
00380 #define IDS_PF_WINDOWPLACEMENT          1916
00381 #define IDS_PF_PUBLIC_KEY               1917
00382 #define IDS_PF_PUBLIC_KEY_PGP           1918
00383 #define IDS_PF_PUBLIC_KEY_GPG           1919
00384 #define IDS_PF_ENCRYPTION_MODES         1920
00385 #define IDS_SOCKET_ERRORS               2000
00386 #define IDS_SOCKET_ERROR_UNKNOWN        2099
00387 #define IDC_CHAT_CLEAR                  2301
00388 #define IDC_CHAT_SEND                   2302
00389 #define IDS_MESSAGES                    3000
00390 #define IDS_T_WAVE_RECORD_FORMAT_ERR    3002
00391 #define IDS_T_ERR_OPEN_WAVE_INPUT       3003
00392 #define IDS_T_WAVE_PLAY_FORMAT_ERR      3004
00393 #define IDS_T_ERR_OPEN_WAVE_OUTPUT      3005
00394 #define IDS_T_INPUT_HEADER_ERR          3006
00395 #define IDS_T_INPUT_BUFFER_ERR          3007
00396 #define IDS_T_CONN_PROFILE_INVALID      3008
00397 #define IDS_T_OPEN_SESSION_KEY_FILE_ERR 3009
00398 #define IDS_T_PGP_KEY_ERR_TITLE         3010
00399 #define IDS_T_CONNECTION_FILTER         3012
00400 #define IDS_T_CONNECTION_OPEN_TITLE     3013
00401 #define IDS_T_CONNECTION_SAVE_TITLE     3014
00402 #define IDS_T_SOUND_FILE_FILTER         3015
00403 #define IDS_T_RING_TITLE                3016
00404 #define IDS_T_SEND_SOUND_TITLE          3017
00405 #define IDS_T_SEND                      3018
00406 #define IDS_T_SENDTO                    3019
00407 #define IDS_T_EXIT_AND_RESTART          3020
00408 #define IDS_T_SEND_SOUND_MENU           3021
00409 #define IDS_T_STOP_SOUND_MENU           3022
00410 #define IDS_T_MODEM_WRITE_ERR           3023
00411 #define IDS_T_SOCKET_WRITE_ERR          3024
00412 #define IDS_T_MODEM_CONNECTION          3025
00413 #define IDS_T_INITIALISING              3026
00414 #define IDS_T_IDLE                      3027
00415 #define IDS_T_SENDING_LIVE              3028
00416 #define IDS_T_SENDING_FILE              3029
00417 #define IDS_T_PLAYING_AUDIO             3030
00418 #define IDS_T_UNKNOWN                   3031
00419 #define IDS_T_DIAL_STRING               3032
00420 #define IDS_T_HOST                      3033
00421 #define IDS_T_MODEM_CONNECTION_L        3034
00422 #define IDS_T_ADDRESS                   3035
00423 #define IDS_T_TRANSMITTING              3036
00424 #define IDS_T_BLANKTRANSMIT             3037
00425 #define IDS_T_OPEN_ERR                  3038
00426 #define IDS_T_NOT_PCM_FILE              3039
00427 #define IDS_T_NO_DATA_IN_CHUNK          3040
00428 #define IDS_T_WAVE_MEM_ALLOC_ERR        3041
00429 #define IDS_T_GSM_2X                    3042
00430 #define IDS_T_ADPCM_2X                  3043
00431 #define IDS_T_2X                        3044
00432 #define IDS_T_ADPCM                     3045
00433 #define IDS_T_GSM                       3046
00434 #define IDS_T_KEY_FILE_STATUS           3047
00435 #define IDS_T_PGP_STATUS                3048
00436 #define IDS_T_IDEA_STATUS               3049
00437 #define IDS_T_DES_STATUS                3050
00438 #define IDS_T_MODEM_STATUS_ERR          3051
00439 #define IDS_T_ONE_MESSAGE               3052
00440 #define IDS_T_NO_MESSAGES               3053
00441 #define IDS_T_EXPAND_MSG_TABLE_ERR      3054
00442 #define IDS_T_ALLOC_MSG_TABLE_ERR       3055
00443 #define IDS_T_ANSWER_MESSAGE_FILTER     3056
00444 #define IDS_T_ANSWER_OPEN_TITLE         3057
00445 #define IDS_T_PGP_OPEN_SESSION_ERR      3058
00446 #define IDS_T_PGP_ENCODING_TITLE        3059
00447 #define IDS_T_PGP_KEY_OPEN_ERR          3060
00448 #define IDS_T_MODEM_SP                  3061
00449 #define IDS_T_MULTICAST_SCOPE_ERR       3062
00450 #define IDS_T_KEY_FILE_FILTER           3063
00451 #define IDS_T_OPEN_KEY_FILE_TITLE       3064
00452 #define IDS_T_ACTIVE                    3065
00453 #define IDS_T_NEVER_USED                3066
00454 #define IDS_T_ACTIVE_COMMA              3067
00455 #define IDS_T_IDLE_COMMA                3068
00456 #define IDS_T_NONE                      3069
00457 #define IDS_T_TERMINATING_COMMA         3070
00458 #define IDS_T_TRANSITION_COMMA          3071
00459 #define IDS_T_HALF_DUPLEX               3072
00460 #define IDS_T_FULL_DUPLEX               3073
00461 #define IDS_T_MODEM_BUSY                3074
00462 #define IDS_T_NOT_WAVE_FILE             3075
00463 #define IDS_T_WAVE_FILE_CORRUPT         3076
00464 #define IDS_T_WAVE_NO_MEMORY            3077
00465 #define IDS_T_WAVE_NO_FORMAT            3078
00466 #define IDS_T_WAVE_NO_DATA              3079
00467 #define IDS_T_CONN_SAVE_ERR             3080
00468 #define IDS_SP_BYTES_PERIOD             3081
00469 #define IDS_T_CANT_INVOKE_PGP           3082
00470 #define IDS_T_CANT_INVOKE_PGP_ENCODE    3083
00471 #define IDS_T_RAISON_EXITING            3084
00472 #define IDS_T_RTP_TOOL                  3085
00473 #define IDS_T_LPC                       3086
00474 #define IDS_T_LPC_2X                    3087
00475 #define IDS_T_APP_TITLE_NORM            3088
00476 #define IDS_T_APP_TITLE_BROADCAST       3089
00477 #define IDS_T_LWLA_LOOKUP               3090
00478 #define IDS_T_LWLA_CONNECT              3091
00479 #define IDS_T_LWLA_REQUEST              3092
00480 #define IDS_T_RECEIVE                   3093
00481 #define IDS_T_LWLA_QUERY                3094
00482 #define IDS_T_LWLA_RESULTS              3095
00483 #define IDS_T_FACE_FILE_FILTER          3096
00484 #define IDS_T_FACE_OPEN_TITLE           3097
00485 #define IDS_T_NO_CRYPTO                 3098
00486 #define IDS_T_LWL_ALLOC                 3099
00487 #define IDS_T_RAISON_CLOSING            3100
00488 #define IDS_T_LOOPBACK                  3101
00489 #define IDS_T_RINGDING                  3102
00490 #define IDS_T_APP_TITLE_CONFERENCE      3102
00491 #define IDD_GEN_KEY                     3103
00492 #define IDS_T_ANSWER_OUTOPEN_TITLE      3103
00493 #define IDD_MODEM_RANT_2                3104
00494 #define IDS_T_BLOWFISH_STATUS           3104
00495 #define IDD_FACE                        3105
00496 #define IDS_T_ANSWER_SAVE_TITLE         3105
00497 #define IDS_T_WAVE_FILE_FILTER          3106
00498 #define IDS_T_OPEN_WAVE_FILE_ERR        3107
00499 #define IDS_T_WRITE_FILE_ERR            3108
00500 #define IDS_T_LWLA_NOMATCH              3109
00501 #define IDS_T_NO_BROADCAST              3110
00502 #define IDS_T_NO_CONFERENCE             3111
00503 #define IDS_T_NO_ECHO                   3112
00504 #define IDS_T_APP_TITLE_ECHO            3113
00505 #define IDS_T_INVALID_HEX_DIGIT_AES_KEY 3114
00506 #define IDS_T_AES_HEX_KEY_TOO_LONG      3115
00507 #define IDS_T_GPG_USER_NAMES            3116
00508 #define IDS_T_RP_CALL_IP                3117
00509 #define IDS_T_CALL_DOMAIN_NAME          3118
00510 #define IDS_T_RP_CALL_DOMAIN_NAME       3118
00511 #define IDS_T_RP_LOOK_UP_USER           3119
00512 #define IDS_T_TOOLTIP_IDLE              3120
00513 #define IDS_T_LWL_QUERY                 4001
00514 #define IDS_T_LWL_GETMESSAGE            4002
00515 #define IDS_T_LWL_DEFAULT_SERVER        4003
00516 #define IDS_T_SUN_SIGNATURE             4004
00517 #define IDS_T_DES_CBC                   4005
00518 #define IDS_T_FAQ                       4006
00519 #define IDS_T_MAILLIST                  4007
00520 #define IDS_T_LOCALHOST                 4008
00521 #define IDS_T_ECHO                      4009
00523 #define IDS_T_ANSWER_DEFAULT_FILE_NAME  4011
00525 #define IDS_T_TRAY_ICON_CLASS           4012
00526 #define IDS_PF_COMP_VOXGSM              5002
00527 #define IDS_PF_VOX                      5003
00528 #define IDS_PF_VOX_THRESH               5004
00529 #define IDS_PF_VOX_GAIN                 5005
00530 #define IDS_T_VOX                       5006
00531 #define IDS_PF_VOX_SPEED                5007
00532 #define IDS_PF_VOX_SLOW                 5008
00533 #define IDS_PF_VOX_MEDIUM               5009
00534 #define IDS_PF_VOX_FAST                 5010
00535 #define IDS_PF_VOX_NOISE_THRESH         5011
00536 #define IDS_PF_VOX_ATTACK               5012
00537 #define IDS_PF_VOX_HOLD                 5013
00538 #define IDS_PF_VOX_DECAY                5014
00539 #define IDS_PF_VOX_RELEASE              5015
00540 #define IDS_PF_VOX_BREAK                5016
00541 #define IDS_HELP_VOX                    5017
00542 #define IDS_PF_AES_KEY                  5018
00543 #define IDS_PF_AES_KEY_HEX              5019
00545 #define IDS_PF_OPT_HIDE_WHEN_MINIMISED  5021
00546 #define IDS_PF_OPT_START_MINIMISED      5022
00547 #define IDS_PF_OPT_USE_TRAY_ICON        5023
00548 #define IDS_PF_DISPLAY_MODES            5024
00549 #define IDS_PF_BEEP_ON_TRANSMIT         5025
00550 #define IDS_CHAT_SEPARATOR              5100
00551 #define IDS_CHAT_MYTEXT                 5101
00552 #define IDS_CHAT_PROTOCOL               5102
00553 #define IDS_ICQ_TITLE                   5200
00554 #define IDS_ICQ_CHANGE                  5201
00555 #define IDS_ICQ_ERROR                   5202
00556 #define IDS_ICQ_URL                     5203
00557 #define IDS_ICQ_EXTENSION               5204
00558 #define IDS_SPEC_DISABLED               5300
00559 #define IDS_CRYPTO_NONE                 5309
00560 #define IDS_CRYPTO_DES                  5310
00561 #define IDS_CRYPTO_IDEA                 5311
00562 #define IDS_CRYPTO_BLOWFISH             5312
00563 #define IDS_CRYPTO_PGP                  5313
00564 #define IDS_CRYPTO_AES                  5313
00565 #define IDS_CRYPTO_KEYFILE              5314
00566 #define IDS_CONSOLE_COMMAND_ECHO        5400
00567 #define ID_HELP                         -3
00568 #define IDC_STATIC                      -1
00570 // Next default values for new objects
00571 // 
00574 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        189
00575 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         205
00576 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1113
00577 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101
00578 #endif
00579 #endif

Generated on Tue Feb 10 08:26:35 2004 for Speak-FreelyforWindows by doxygen1.2.18